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With this website I want to show you how extensive this field of knowledge is magic,

and it is far from everything I could put here.

But it should only be a guide for your first steps on a new path.

There is so much to discover and taste, that I’m still not at my wit’s end,

and that I will not be as long as I live in this dimension.

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if the horse in a different direction than the desired, gallops.

One thing you have, however, also make it clear, there are certain limitations that must be recognized.

The India call it Karma,

I would like to call it life’s work. It is no accident (what a revert)

that they just these parents have siblings, friends, Chef`s, colleagues etc.

All are part of their life’s work,

even if they are on some fellow hard nut to crack and they just have trouble with them.

Life is a school, and each of us has to learn his lesson,

or to remain seated and must repeat the class,

so to speak, in the next life, until one has grasped it.

I mention this because it all is not intended to be rich

or to find his soul mate,

if this is not their mission in life is.

Some tasks to master more easily alone

and without the sweet life in the lap of luxury.

You need to then accept to resign without.

Our life tasks are as varied as the people themselves.

Therefore, every human being must realize his task in itself and work on it.

Here you can also help nobody.

Even if some people take responsibility for themselves and their lives gladly pass on to others,

by constantly can lay the cards themselves, or ask others to do rituals for celebrating it.

I know there are times in one’s life where one has to rely on outside help,

because they themselves no longer has the strength to do . But please make it not a habit.

Also I was already often asked if I could do one thing or another ritual for someone.

But I think everyone has even the ability to do so, and then it is their own energy,

the works and that is much more effective.

In addition, they also do not give by the rudder of her life in someone else’s hands.

Cheer up, what others can, so can you.

However, anyone who thinks that magic would be a great thing,

like a light switch works without much effort, is mistaken.

The magic You have to give a certain basis on which they can be realized.

I can not hope for a lottery win, for example, if I never ausfuelle a lottery ticket.

Also in roulette you can only win if they are willing to bring the application.

In short if you want to get something you have to be willing to give something first.

In the case of a ritual, it is mainly time and energy that you need to invest.

A ritual is an act that requires absolute quiet and concentration. You should therefore ensure,

that they are really undisturbed in this period. It is also important,

that they are completely convinced of the power of their ritual,

otherwise they need not even begin. Everyone knows well the saying Faith moves mountains.

This is the basis and the positive thinking, which now probably is probably the most known.

Even magic is that it happens, effected by the power of thought and faith.

The more thought energy they bring to a ritual,

and the more intense their imagination of the desired situation,

the faster fulfilled her wish and any doubt of the matter does everything to naught.

For this reason, they should keep their magical Activity secret also.

Firstly, so that it makes no chatter with his insecure and secondly loses the ritual of energy and action,

when one talks about it. Only if you have someone who is as convinced of the thing that they are pursuing

and pursues the same objective, you can run them together rituals.

Magic is not a parlor game, in which randomly conjures crisscross,

in order to pursue selfish goals or to gain power over others. Superiority yourself before every ritual exactly

if they so in the life of another human intervention or whether they hurt other in any way.

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If you have set as a specific partner in the head

and now want to bind this by a love ritual magical per se,

Embark already on the path of black magic

and that is not without its dangers, because everything they send out comes back to you.

This person might really come up to her, but he will not make it safe happy.

And you have to be a master of magic to a harmful spell

to the literally unscathed.

That’s why I can not understand that some white witch gives instructions to do so.

A few important rules should be observed: Fehren never a ritual at new moon or

a day or two before from. For these three days, the time of the Black Moon

are the dark energies priority. This makes it possible that their ritual turns into negative territory.

The full moon, however, is a ansolut magical time. Here are one or two days before the energies particularly strong.

These can be used for a ritual that has a multiplying, increasing, building purpose.

During the waning moon is introduced then the rituals of where something dwindle, lose weight, should be dissolved

The best time is different for each ritual. But as everyone knows, there is in life, events,

requiring rapid action. In these emergencies they can every day to matching planetary hour a ritual to perform.

How these hours are divided over the day you can read in the following table.

Maybe they miss doing the planet Pluto, Neptune and Uranus.

The reason that these were only discovered in recent times

and were previously only the seven major planets known

which were then also associated with the seven days of the week.

After the 24-hour schedule, the day begins with the hour 0-1.

This is always associated with the planet who rules this day.

If you need instructions for magical rituals, they simply order my

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Important NOTE!

As far as on my website traditional statements about magic or individual goods use,

the specific effects of the products indicate

is expressly clarified

that these statements are not effects in the scientifically secured sense is announced.

There are notes on magic applications of the products in the traditional, the traditional sense

Wichtiger Hinweis!

Soweit auf meiner Webseite traditionelle Aussagen über Magie oder einzelne Waren Verwendung finden,

die bestimmte Wirkungen der Produkte andeuten,

wird ausdrücklich klargestellt,

dass mit diesen Aussagen keine Wirkungen im naturwissenschaftlich gesicherten Sinne angekündigt werden.

Es handelt sich um Hinweise auf Magie Anwendungen der Produkte im traditionellen, überlieferten Sinne

Links: quantum theory thoughts influence matter and experiments.

Man – as quantum physical phenomenon


The latest researches show that our bodies, as well as any inanimate matter,

can be regarded as a network of energy fields.

This network consists of interference patterns of waves.

What we call the matter of the body, is from a different angle

of view, the manifestation of interacting fields,

among others by electromagnetic fields.

Without electromagnetic fields there would be no atoms,

no chemical bonds nor biology,

So no organism. The mediator of the electromagnetic forces are the light quanta (photons)

the transfer as „messenger particles“ the force effects of the electromagnetic waves.

The processed during the development of quantum physics theoretical and experimental data

suggest that quantum make choices within a situational framework.

Today we know:

Humans affect the energy balance of cells (usually unconsciously) about the feelings.

About ideas thoughts can consciously influence the function of the organs and their energy supply

and, through „quantum addressing“, that is, the thought directs the quantum there

what the thought is directed. So quantum should be regarded as energetic information messengers

pass on their information directly to the molecules of the cell.

Without this flow of information the principle of biofeedback would be inexplicable.

According to quantum field theory, it is not possible to observe the reality,

without altering in certain areas,

Thus, the measurement has an influence on the measurement object.

This fact is expressed by the quantum-physical law of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

Consequently, we do not only influence our reality, but we created them;

we create certain properties because we are focused on.

That is, the reality is according to our expectations (and sometimes according to our will) designed.

This is where science and esoteric ideas.


Mehr Magie Informationen Siehe naechste Seite wie funktioniert Magie ?

Link: http://jahreskreisfeste.de/magie.html

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in eine Zauberwelt der alten Mythen und Märchen.

Die Jahreskreisfeste auch Hexensabbate genannt

sind 8 gleichmaessig verteilte Stationen im Kreislauf,

den die Sonne in einem Jahr durchzieht.

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Wicca, Witch, Sorcière, Hexen,Witch Sabbath,Esbat Ritual,

Sabbatjahr, Jahreskreisfeste,Witch Initiation,Wicca Spell, Halloween

Hexen, Pagan,Heiden,

Samhain, Yule, Julfest, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasad, Lammas, Mabon,

Ritual, Magie, Witch Sabbath, Esbat Ritual, Sabbatjahr, Jahreskreisfeste, Love Spell,

Paranormal, Witchcraft Spells,Wicca Spells,Witch Spells,Hexen Zauber.

Charmed Spells, Esoterik, Gothic,Initiation,Witchery,Enchantment,

Charm, Magic Spell,Asatru,Halloween.

Coven, Hexenforum, Magieforum, Covenbildung,

Jahresfeste, Initiation, Pagans,

Pagani, Hexe, Rituale, Magick, Hexentreffen, Wiccatreffen,

Erdmagie, Hexenkunst, Naturmagie, Hexen Ausbildung, Einweihung,

Hexen Initiation, Mysterien, Ritualmagie, Mysterientradition,

Ritual Tempel, Hexen Amulett, Pentakel, Ritualtempel,

Wicca Rede, Vollmond, Hexen Gesetze,

Hexenkalender, Willow, Hekate, Midsommer,

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Magier, Hexentum, Hexen Natur, Hexen Energiearbeit,

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Hexen Mysterien, Hexentum, Hexenkult, Hexen Hammer, Heidentum,

Hexen Coven, Gardnerians, Alexandrians, Dianic, Eklektische Hexen, Erbhexen,

Solitaries, Natur Religion,hexen Glauben, Schamanismus, Chaos Magie, Schamane, Druide



Wicca, Witch, Sorcière, Witch Sabbath, Esbat ritual,

Sabbatical year circle festivals, Witch initiation, Wicca Spell Halloween

Witches, Pagan, heathen,

Samhain, Yule, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasad, Lammas, Mabon,

Ritual, Magic, Witch Sabbath, Esbat ritual Sabbath Year, Financial district festivals, Love Spell,

Paranormal, Witchcraft Spells, Wicca Spells, Witch Spells, witchcraft.

Charmed Spells, New Age, Gothic, initiation, Witchery, Enchantment,

Charm, Magic Spell, Asatru, Halloween.

Coven witches Forum, magic forum Coven education,

Annual festivals, initiation, Pagans,

Meet Pagani, witch, rituals, magick, witchcraft meeting, Wicca,

Earth Magic, Witchcraft, natural magic, witches, training, dedication,

Witches initiation, mystery, ritual magic, mystery tradition,

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Witches mysteries, witchcraft, witchcraft, witches hammer, Paganism,

Witches Coven, Gardnerians, Alexandrians, Dianic, Eclectic Witches, witches inherit,

Solitaries, natural religion, witches faith, shamanism, Chaos Magic, Shaman, Druid



Wicca, Sorcière, Sorcière, sorcière Sabbat, Esbat rituel,

Sabbatiques festivals de cercle année, sorcière initiation, Wicca sort Halloween

Sorcières, païen,

Samhain, Yule, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Lammas, Mabon,

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Sorts Charmed, New Age, Gothique, initiation, Witchery, Enchantement,

Charme, Sortilège, Asatru, Halloween.

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Festivals annuels, initiation, païens,

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Witches Coven, Gardneriens, Alexandrins, Dianique, sorcières éclectique, sorcières héritent,

Solitaires, la religion naturelle, sorcières foi, chamanisme, Magie du Chaos, Chaman, Druide



Wicca, Strega, Sorcière, Strega Sabbath, Esbat rito,

Festival anno sabbatico cerchio, strega iniziazione, Wicca magia di Halloween

Streghe, Pagan, pagani,

Samhain, Yule, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Lammas, Mabon,

Ritual, magia, strega Sabbath, Esbat rituale Sabbath Anno, festival quartiere finanziario, Love Spell,

Paranormale, Witchcraft Spells, Wicca Incantesimi, Strega incantesimi, stregonerie.

Incantesimi Charmed, New Age, Gotica, iniziazione, Witchery, Incantesimo,

Charm, Magic Spell, Asatru, Halloween.

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Festival annuali, iniziazione, Pagani,

Incontra Pagani, strega, rituali, magia, la stregoneria meeting, Wicca,

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Streghe iniziazione, mistero, magia rituale, la tradizione di mistero,

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